TV Shows

Supergirl 2×08 Medusa

Let's take a moment to admire the beauty who is our beloved Supergirl-- Kara Danvers :)
Let’s take a moment to admire the beauty who is our beloved Supergirl– Kara Danvers 🙂

WELCOME TO THE FOUR DAY CROSSOVER READERS!! Who is as hyped as I am? We get to see our beloved superheroine Supergirl helping out Flash, Green Arrow, The Atom, White Canary, Heatwave, Speedy, Spartan, Vibe, Vixen and Citizen Steel. But let’s start with my favorite show Supergirl!

Previously on Supergirl, Alex came out as gay and got her poor little heartbroken by Maggie who said she is fresh out the boat and needs to explore (virtual hugs for Alex) The Maggie shows up at Kara’s apartment and told her she doesn’t want to live in a world without her (Maggie that sounds like a vow for a friend lol) Then Kara got caught by Lilian Luthor who is the leader of Cadmus who also kidnapped Mon-El. She is then saved by JEREMIAH DANVERS! HOLY CRAP HE IS ALIVE!! Then as for Jonn (sorry for wrong spelling), he figured out he is having White Martian blood and he locks up Miss Martian. We then found out the real Henshaw is Cyborg Superman and he went crazy and ran off. Last we saw Cyborg Superman going to Fortress of Solitude to access Project Medusa. So now we all caught up let’s begin, shall we?

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!! It is a Danvers thanksgiving and last year’s thanksgiving didn’t go so well so we hope this year is going to be awesome because Alex is coming out to her mom. Kara is using her heat vision to heat up that delicious turkey (Kara I wish I have your powers).  Alex is trying to use liquor courage to tell her mom but Kara stopped her before she can take another sip and put the beer in the freezer. Mon-El came in bearing gifts but that gift is the stuffing from his mattress (how cute lol) when Alex tried to get the words out of her mouth a portal appeared on top of the dinner table. (BARRY WRONG TIMING) Kara is convinced she can get the information of Cadmus out of Lena but she doesn’t do sneaky and Lena decided to stay quiet.

At the alien bar, Mon-El is having a drink with a girl and Cyborg Superman is there, he is extra sneaky placing a device underneath the table while Mon-El followed him, luckily he did because that was a poisonous gas to kill aliens. The aliens are all dead in the bar and Mon-El got beat up quite badly, he is locked up back at the DEO. While at L Corp, Lena is having an interesting chat with her mother. Lilian told her she loves her and she knows it isn’t true because all her love is reserved to Lex. (Poor Lena) At DEO, the Supergirl team is figuring out what kind of gas killed the aliens then Kara being her smart self realize why Cyborg Superman wants her blood to unleash Project Medusa so she blast off to the Fortress.

What she found made her disappointed, her father created the virus so they can protect his family but Kara is sad because it means the virus kill other aliens while she is immune. Alex requested her mom to come in and help with the science because she is an expert and welcome back Eliza! Eliza knows something is up with Alex because a mother always knows. Alex told her she is gay and Eliza made us all cry by accepting Alex for being who she is, Alex you are exceptional. (Excuse me while I cry externally why can’t I have a mom like that?)

Kara is looking out to the beautiful city of National City and she is wondering is this her legacy death and destruction? Jonn came to remind her her parents legacy is her and Jonn noticed he is turning into something he hates. What Supergirl does right is hit us in the heart, we have Alex coming out and her mom being accepting and we have Kara who is a superhero but she is also vulnerable because she believes her parents are perfect but she found out her parents would rather kill others.

At L Corp, Cyborg Superman walks inside like a badass and the metal detector go crazy and the security guard pulls his gun out but he is no match. Supergirl saves the day and the security guard but she got slammed at the L logo, Lena chose the worst timing to come out to check out what is happening. Cyborg picked up the huge heavy bricks and threw it to Lena but luckily Supergirl blocked it. This show is so gay, all the time I’m like YES Kara save your girlfriend! But Cyborg got Supergirl pinned on the floor as Maggie and her SWAT team came in opening fire. (Maggie where is your bulletproof vest you really need one) Another portal opened up but no one came out but Supergirl uses this distraction and attacked Cyborg but he got angry and use his laser to gaze Maggie’s  shoulder, Kara was nervous her sister’s somewhat girlfriend has been hit. Her face shows all the expression, nervousness, angry and terrified she ran to check on Maggie but she told her to go after Cyborg.

Supergirl and Lena has a chat and wow their chemistry is just explosive, Lena believes Supergirl is accusing her mother and she made her leave. Meanwhile, in the med bay of DEO, Alex is stitching up Maggie and she told her she told her mom and she knows being gay is for herself. Lena decided to double team her mother and replace the deadly virus with just anything. Then, Hankshaw and Jonn is having a fight. Lena calls the cops and YAY they arrest her mother. Kara and Mon-El kissed!


Sanvers is such a beautiful storyline both actress are amazing.
Sanvers is such a beautiful storyline both actress are amazing.

Lastly, Alex is staying at home with her pajamas as the door bell rang and Maggie is at the door looking like a cute puppy holding pizza. Alex invited her in and Maggie is clearly nervous and shaking wondering how she would get these words out of her mouth. Maggie started to tell Alex how she is scared and after getting shot today she realizes life is short and she should kiss the girls she wants to kiss. (Nice motto Maggie!) When Maggie went for the kiss Alex was shocked but her eyes show admiration and hope, Alex cleared for a second and said are you saying you like me? And Maggie showed her million dollar smile and nodded as Alex goes in for the second kiss cupping her face. I really love how Supergirl manages Alex storyline this season, a few days ago I saw how on Twitter how this girl helped a young girl who is newly gay get comics and be comfortable with herself. This is how same sex relationships and coming out stories help readers in real life, coming out is a terrifying experience I recently experienced it and the process is terrifying but Alex and Maggie gave me courage. Alex Danvers is a strong character, she can hold on her own while Supergirl is the main character. I believe Alex is the hero for Supergirl, she is always there for her and is her anchor but adding her sexuality is just giving her another great example to having a strong amazing role model. 2016 have been a crazy year for queer audience but Wayhaught and now Sanvers totally saved it.

At the end of the episode BARRY, the flash and Cisco finally came through the portal. I can’t wait to see Supergirl in the crossover kicking butt!