TV Shows

Netflix’s Dragon Prince Portrays Disabled Characters Beautifully


Have you been watching Netflix’s Original The Dragon Prince lately? No? Then you should start immediately because this show is the best I ever saw since Avatar.

This unique animation is created by one of the head writers of the popular show Avatar: The Last Airbender. From the Wonderstorm studio, created by Aaron Ehasz and combined with Justin Richmond best known for his work directing Uncharted 3. The Dragon Prince follows the journey of two siblings Callum and Ezran, who are princes of the kingdom Katolis. After discovering the legendarily lost dragon egg, they form an unlikely alliance with the elf assassin Rayla who was sent to kill them. Each episode delves deeper into their adventures to deliver the dragon egg back to its mother to restore the peace between the nations.


General Amaya a deaf woman who kicks ass

One major character I was surprised about and very delighted to watch is General Amaya. She is first introduced in episode 4 titled “BloodThristy”, she is Queen Sarai’s sister and aunt to Callum and Ezran, she is fiercely protected by her family and loyal to her kingdom. She is also a disabled character, she is a deaf woman of color who uses American Sign Language to communicate. Even though she is deaf the show does not make a big deal about it, she is a great example for all other disabilities people. She leads the Standing Battalion, one of Katolis most powerful armies and on the battlefield, she uses her shield as a battering ram to deliver blunt attacks to her enemies.

While in reality, many disabled people couldn’t read lips General Amaya is skilled at reading lips. Gren, her close friend, and lieutenant serve as her sign language interpreter. Even though she is only support and secondary character, her character is memorable. Nowadays, in the media, there are rarely any disabled characters present and if they are the portrayals are often downplayed or not related to the story. General Amaya is essential to the story and fierce in her own way, she uses sign language and most of her soldiers understand her. To make the character more relatable, the showrunners used two ASL interpreters to make sure the sign language is accurate. Fans on Twitter loves General Amaya and some even want to start learning sign language. Television is a form of escape and seeing yourself represented, this is very refreshing watching so many diversities appearing on the screen and portray as strong amazing characters. The Dragon Prince portrays many subjects beautifully aside from disabled characters, they showed queens as rulers, some mental trauma dealing with parenting manipulation and racism. If you are sleeping on The Dragon Prince wake up and start watching! You won’t regret it!

TV Shows

Cloak and Dagger Review


“Okay let’s talk about what makes a hero, the best heroes follow an arc. But towards the end of that arc something knocks him or her down, they lose everything. Because the best heroes are born again from nothing. So as we watch the rise and fall, we all ask ourselves the question at the center of all, who are we?”

~Father Delgado

That sounds about right for all heroes right? When I saw the trailer of Cloak and Dagger last summer at New York Comic Con I wasn’t intrigued instantly, it took me a while. But when I saw the first two episodes I was hooked, the storytelling, the music, and the character development is spot on. Everything was perfection, I couldn’t get enough waiting for it to air every Thursday. Cloak and Dagger follow two people from different worlds and different class. Tandy Bowen, who wanted to be a ballerina got into a tragic car accident resulting in her father’s death gone into a downward spiral. She went into conning rich kids and stealing from people. While Tyrone Johnson came from a middle-class family, when he was younger he watched his brother got shot by a cop. Both of them gotten powers from an oil rig accident, Tandy could project and fires light daggers. Tyrone could teleport himself wherever he wishes to go.

This show centers around New Orleans and challenges the topics of racism, black and white privilege, police violence and the big bad Roxxon Corp. This show is unlike many different Marvel shows, the heroes are not perfect they are flawed and both of them are set out for revenge. The CGI for the powers are very detailed and beautiful to watch, the fight scenes, emotional scenes made me touched. Olivia Holt as Tandy is portrayed perfectly as she displays the emotion of anger, desperation, and determination. The struggle when she receives her powers to learning to use them is a delight to watch. While Tyrone struggles are the highlight of the show, he has a heart of gold but the society we live in abuse that heart. Tyrone wants to be free but he is always oppressed by his parents, they remind him to always keep his head down and listen to everything. His brother Billy was gunned down by a cop, he told the truth but the corrupt cop got away with it.

In the comics, Tandy was the one with the stable financial situation and goes to great schools while Tyrone is the one on the streets. The role reversal is such a nice change to the eyes, Cloak and Dagger deal with drugs lords and corruption so we maybe won’t be seeing much of Spiderman or other Marvel heroes. But recently in the episode, they dropped Misty name who is associated with Luke Cage. Recently in SDCC, the cast of Cloak and Dagger stated they wanted to do a crossover with Runaways. Maybe we will see that coming soon, the finale is airing on next Thursday. I can’t wait to see the divine pairing wreck havoc and saving the city.

TV Shows

Krypton Syfy Pilot Review

Krypton the newest Syfy show based on Superman and Supergirl home planet.

“The story of my family is not about how we die, it’s about how we lived.”


Syfy’s newest show Krypton is based on Superman and Supergirl home planet Krypton but the cast and director stated over and over again that this is not a prequel. Krypton developed by David S. Goyer follows Seg-El Superman’s grandfather whose family The House of El has been shamed. Seg-El fights for his family’s honor and the soon to be the destruction of Krypton.

While in comic books we get a glimpse of Krypton especially Kandor City, where Supergirl was born, we all know the story of Superman and Supergirl how they both escaped the destruction of Krypton and landed on Earth. But how much do we know of Krypton? How much do we know about the people there? The different guilds and different houses? This show explores this very well, from the pilot audience gets a glimpse of Krypton’s politics. We see different ranks and Rao the sun god, we are introduced to all new characters.

The show starts with Seg-El grandfather who warns the council about there are other planets then Krypton, they are not alone but the council doesn’t believe them and sentenced him to death. Seg-El watched his grandfather perish into the freezing ice as they are stripped of their ranks. The House of El was shamed and he and his family are rankless. We then get a glimpse of House of Zod played by the amazing Amazonian in Justice League, House of Zod is the military house. The fight choreography for the practice scenes was amazing, it demonstrates the power of House of Zod. They show no mercy and they are fearless. While the House of Vex is cunning, they are calculated and could easily manipulate others to do their bidding.

The relationship between Seg-El and Lyta Zod was refreshing to see but when your girlfriend’s mom killed both of your parents that is a deal breaker. Sadly, Seg-El is forced to bond with Nyssa Vex and arrange marriages is still valid in Krypton. One key character from DC comics appeared in this episode and that is Adam Strange, he is a time traveler and he traveled to Krypton to warn Seg-El about Brainiac coming to conquer Krypton. Of course, Seg-El answered like how everyone will answer if a strange looking guy with a confused expression like are you high? But Adam gave Seg the Kryptonian seal to ask him to find the fortress of Solitude, the answers will all be given by then.

At first, Seg’s parents don’t want him to know but soon the truth broke out and Seg found his grandfather’s fortress but that came with a price. That price is the death of his parents killed by the military leader The House of Zod. Two deaths in a day? Seg must be traumatized, I feel for him so much. Seg is once again ranked because he stopped an intruder from setting off a bomb to kill Rao, but sadly he is ranked as Vex. Seg and Lyta’s relationship is on the edge while both of them are bind with someone else.

At the end, we get a glimpse of Brainiac!!! His scary skull spaceship is floating throughout the space and we see his eyes opened at the end of episode 1. The pilot of Krypton is strong, I love the character building of Seg and the other houses. It’s very refreshing to see all different houses and the history of The House of El. I can’t wait for next week to learn more about all the houses.


TV Shows

Jessica Jones Season 2 Review

By Jessica Lau

Our favorite sassy whiskey drinking Private Investigator returns in Jessica Jones season 2 and she will need to double the whiskey. This season, Jessica really needs a break.

The first season of Marvel’s Jessica Jones captivated audience’s hearts with a badass, talented sense of dark humor and a don’t give a shit attitude. While in the first season, we delve into Jessica’s past with the villain Kilgrave as front and center.  Kilgrave, the mind manipulated villain comes back to haunt Jessica and force her to do things she doesn’t want to do. Then in season 2, we get personal we get an inside look into Jessica’s past. We get to see a flashback episode of Jessica and Trish, her family’s accident and a much vulnerable side of Jessica.

Season 1 was dark but season 2 goes into emotional trauma for Jessica, for a person that doesn’t do feelings she is forced to confront them all this season. Krysten Ritter’s performance this season is mindblowing, her display of Jessica’s struggles is wonderful to watch. Her vulnerable state is heartbreaking to watch, this season’s villain is Jessica’s mom and Karl, the scientist who created them.  That’s when shit hits the fan, how do you deal with a dead parent who was never really dead? The answer is more booze and sex of course. Jessica deals with the new super at her apartment Oscar and his son Vido, she develops a relationship with him that is comforting to see.

As we learn more about Jessica, we are introduced into a flashback episode when Trish was high and neglected Jessica. Jessica met a guy and they had a beautiful relationship, she told him who she was and he still stayed. It’s beautiful to see Jessica smile genuinely even though it was for a short amount of time.  The couple was happy for a few months and then one day they came across a clothing shop, Jessica saw the leather jacket and went to steal it. That’s the origin story of Jessica’s iconic leather jacket, as for the name Alias. That is the name of the club his boyfriend wanted to open with her by his side. Sadly, a misunderstanding killed the boyfriend and the killer is Jessica’s mom Alisa.

In this season Trish is off the rails, since being kidnapped and threatened she wants to protect herself. In the first episode, we saw Sampson come back but only to be killed after leaving an enhanced inhaler. Since then, Trish started using the enhanced inhaler and became addicted. Trish and Jessica’s relationship has always been the core of the show, they protect each other, they are sisters. But in this season, Trish does the unforgivable and left a permanent strain on their relationship. Trish killed Jessica’s mom but she somehow has some abilities within her. Is she a step closer to becoming Hellcat? Trish’s mother mentioned she always wanted to be extraordinary, she felt inferior to Jessica because she has powers and she doesn’t. Trish went to extreme lengths to get those powers this season and it cost her greatly.

While the big focus has been on Jessica and Trish this season, Malcolm and Jeri has their own issues to deal with. Jeri is sick and her partners are planning to buy her out, Malcolm has lost his focus on what he wants to do. Jeri has always been wise but she got played this season, she got cheated by con artists and when she found out she takes revenge. While Malcolm went to tries to stay by Jessica’s side but she pushes him too far and he went to Pyrce, Jessica’s rival to work with him.

While Marvel has QuickSilver, we saw a glimpse of a speedster Whizzer. He came to Jessica for help, but she believes he is just a fake until he is killed in front of her. He is the product of Karl’s experiments. Kilgrave made a surprising appearance on episode 11 when Jessica killed a man, Jessica never kills she hurts people but she doesn’t kill. That kill made her breakdown and Kilgrave’s voice return to her mind. The color palette of all of Netflix’s superhero shows amazes me, when its purple the audience automatically knows it’s Kilgrave. Kilgrave convinces her to give into the kill, his voice consuming her but she doesn’t kill because it isn’t who she is.

This season’s villain is just a victim just like Jessica. Alisa, Jessica’s mom just wanted to see her daughter Jessica but her newfound powers prove her dangerous. She is stronger than Jessica and she hurt her more than once but in the end, she loves her daughter, she just wants to be a family with her again. Kilgrave made me feel rage and anger, but Alisa sadness and heartbreak is the emotions she gave me.

Alisa said to Jessica, “Hero” isn’t a bad word Jessica, It’s just someone who gives a shit and does something about it. Jessica cares a lot but she shows it by helping and not words, this one scene where Jessica and Alisa were saving the family from their car accident. That teamwork is a start for Jessica and Alisa’s relationship, of what it could be but at the end that was all just a dream.

Season 2 was personal, we get to see why Jessica become so numb. We saw how Trish and Jessica became close as sisters. We learn more about Jessica’s past with her family and her vulnerable side. Kilgrave was a strong part of the success of Jessica Jones but in season 2 the personal villain of Jessica Jones impacted the show as well. Jessica Jones deals with issues that are relatable to the audience, this season features an abusive film director that sexually abused Trish when she was younger. What will await Jessica and her friends in season 3? Jessica Jones premiered on International Women’s Day March 8, now streaming on Netflix.

The visuals for Jessica Jones has always been my favorite. I am always so amazed at the color palette for the introduction, the different camera angles blends in perfectly with private investigator Jessica Jones. Then when Kilgrave came back, the purple color is spread throughout every frame.

TV Shows

Supergirl 2×22 Nethertheless, She Persisted

Supergirl Kara Zor El Danvers the hero that lost everything for the planet, a true hero.

     Welcome to the Supergirl finale everyone!!finale everyone!! As the promo advertised the fight of the century and Supergirl journey of season 2! Are you ready because I am hyped, I dodged a lot of spoilers and took my final to prepare for this day! To be honest, this season was a rollercoaster, there were some great episodes and some of them could be better but Kara Danvers never failed to disappoint me I love Kara.

           This episode opened with Superman being controlled by a SILVER KYRPONITE (we seriously need to look into the different type of kryptonite) Rhea used that on him and now Superman only sees his mortal enemy Zod!! Zod looks so much better in this and his eyes are magnetic. We then see Superman and Supergirl fight, this is pretty epic both of them smashing into each other into buildings and Sanvers are at DEO so confused. The fight looks amazing, Supergirl and Superman exchange blows and left and right hooks and finally the right hook knock Superman down. Supergirl is drained and Alex rushed into the water to hold her sister. 

supergirl-nevertheless-she-persisted-photo021-1495230279091_1280w       Kara and Superman woke up in the fortress of Solitude and they found out an ancient code that involves a battle and so Kara challenge Rhea to a battle to the death. While Lena is feeling so disappointed because she got played by Rhea, Lilian gave Lena the box to kill Daxamites. Then she calls Supergirl to help, Lena being the genius she is designed the box and gave the remote to Supergirl because she knows her mother so well.

Kara and Superman epic fight

Meanwhile, Jonn finally woke up because Megann is here for him and WELCOME BACK MEGANN!! You were missed and she brought her White Martian friends to help too! I couldn’t be more excited. This is the final battle between Rhea and Supergirl, Rhea manages to land a few punches to Supergirl and when Supergirl knocked her down, she was bleeding green. Wow! She is bleeding kryptonite that instantly made Kara weak. But when Rhea lands a few blows to her, Kara caught it with her fist and throws back YES! But Rhea fights dirty and her ships are coming into the city, Supergirl has no choice but to push the battle. Rhea instantly turns into stone and vanished, Supergirl is devastated because Mon El could be next. She told Alex to bring the pod so she can put Mon El to the phantom zone so he couldn’t die, this scene made me cry buckets. Melissa’s acting is phenomenal, her tears made my heart ache. She gave her mother’s necklace to him and he goes off. 

The fight is over and Supergirl is standing on the balcony, Clark came to give her goodbye and Alex and Kara had a talk. Kara told Alex to never let her go, Kara is so brave. Maggie wraps her arms around Alex and she comforts Alex but then Alex told her to marry her. Awwwww. Kara then goes to Cat, Cat always gives the best speeches.

Then we saw 39 years ago when Krypton died, there was another pod launched and there was a bunch of robe people. One of them placed their blood on the baby but they called it “it” and launched it with Kal and Kara. baby but they called it “it” and launched it with Kal and Kara. This will likely be the big bad for season 3. The robe people said it will reign.

All my bets are on Reign, last week I caught up on Supergirl comics and I was very intrigued with the are Reign, last week I caught up on Supergirl comics and I was very intrigued with the villain Reign. Reign is a very complex character because she is from Krypton, but she was an experiment she doesn’t know her true identity and she is a nemesis of Supergirl. This villain would be great for Kara, because this season has been all about Mon El, this season should be about Kara exploring herself and her journey as a hero. But lately, all the focus has been on Mon El. Reign in the comics made Kara question herself as a Kryptonian and we get flashbacks too. If Reign is the villain that be an amazing journey for season 3.

TV Shows

Supergirl 2×19 ALEX

YESS!! IT is Monday again! And all you readers know what day it is! Its Supergirl day! I seriously haven’t been excited for an episode of a tv show in a long time. But this episode got me insanely excited because as you all know from the title its about Alex and I love Alex.

First off let’s start off by saying how awesome it is to have an episode titled Alex? This episode had me crying, super nervous at some times and just feels all over. We start off the scene of Maggie being a negotiator trying to tell the criminal to let the people they captured go. Her sentence always starts with the words. YOU CHOOSE, YOU CHOOSE. For 17 hours she has been doing that, then people started yelling “It’s a bird its a plane!” It’s SUPERGIRL! Then Supergirl flew in breaking into the ceiling and busting those criminals out. Maggie is looking hella pissed because she just spent 17 hrs trying to talk to the criminals, then Kara with her sunny self just said I can’t wait to have dinner with you!


At the dinner scene, Alex burns the food she is cooking so the alarm keeps on beeping every two seconds (that is kinda like me) Kara brings pizza. Then we see Kara and Maggie at odds. But both of them has some good points, why need cops when Supergirl is here she has godlike powers. But Kara only punches her ways out of problems while Maggie talks it down. Kara gets mad and leaves while Alex goes after her trying to talk to her. But when Alex goes into the elevator, there is a shady guy and then the door closes we all knows what happens Alex gets kidnap.

While after the nice dinner scene of the Danvers, we see Lena and Rhea talking. NOO!!! LENA SHE IS BAD! But all I’m doing is yelling at the screen since Lena can’t hear me sadly. Rhea and Lena are at lunch having some fancy wine as Rhea talks about her proposal about the transmitter. Lena talks about how her mother kidnapped her, drug her and frame her as Rhea is talking about her sweet boy who met a terrible woman. *Ahem if Lena knows that terrible woman she is talking about is Kara she won’t be sitting*

At CatCo, Kara is looking at her articles when Maggie came up to her asking about Alex and both of them notice something is wrong until Alex name shows up on Kara cell. But that is not Alex, it’s that damn kidnapper! The mysterious kidnap demands them to free his father or he will kill Alex and the bonus is he knows Kara Danvers is Supergirl. Crap.

Back in the DEO, all of them is hatching up a plan to save Alex. Maggie is very down and depressed while Kara is slowly spiraling out of control. This is her sister, her everything, her best friend and the only person she cares in the universe. While Maggie, this is her girlfriend, her love of her life, the first person that understands her the most. Soon, they all decided to give the father a visit.

Our amazing Alex wakes up in a tank, I would be scared shitless but Alex is like Shaw in Person of Interest so damn badass. Alex remember who kidnaps her and proceed to threaten them that they won’t get away with this then started banging on the glass.

The meeting with the father did not go well, Jonn and Maggie started interrogating him but he kept on denying knowing anything about Alex. Then Kara gets mad and slams her fist on the metal table, the metal table took a lot of damage but Kara’s fist is flawless. Kara’s anger got the best out of her as Maggie tells her to calm down. Winn being the smart IT guy he is he found out the trace of the kidnapper and it is in Maldvide, time to take a trip down memory lane. It turns out that kidnapper is Rick, the guy Alex was talking to when they went to the beach. He saw everything that Kara can do and he planned out this whole thing for a year. WHAT A CREEP!

Kara is livid as she tried to try her laser eyes on him, but she remembered her sister is at stake she can’t risk it. Winn got a trace where Alex is but sadly its a decoy,  and the meter dropped all the way to 4 minutes. The water starts to fill in the tank and Alex is trying her best to block it out. Time is running out.

C-zUEWCXkAEHZaBKara tells him to turn on the camera so they can talk to Alex, and damn Chyler Leigh is so good at this scene she nails every scene. Alex keeps on telling Kara she can’t be blackmailed that Supergirl is better than her. But that’s not true, Kara would do anything for Alex she would sacrifice herself for her. She is her family. Then Alex asked for time alone for Maggie and that is when the waterworks is running down my face. Alex started to say things if she couldn’t make it but Maggie stopped her and said she wants to have so many firsts with her and even a dog and vacation. Gosh, I was glad Floriana was sick that day because her voice and emotion make the scene more powerful. She tells Alex she is going to come get her and tells her to promise to hold on. Before Alex could reply the screen blacked out.

Maggie is livid that Kara went in without listening to her and she yells I’m her girlfriend! While Kara yells I’m her sister! And she replies do you think that trumps me? Maggie replied with a broken I have as much to lose as you. That’s true, Maggie only has Alex. All the other people that were with her left her heartbroken but Alex makes her strong. She is all she has. Kara is leaning on the rails trying to listen really hard to Alex’s heartbeat but she can’t hear it and that makes her feel terrible because she caused that. Lena Luthor called to ask for her advice but Kara is only nervous about her sister.

supergirl 2x19

Time is running out as the water started to fill up the tank and Alex took off her pants and wraps it around her fist hitting the glass tank as hard as she could. Maggie decided to let the father go, she goes to the jail cell and she places those cool devices to mess with the security camera and breaks the father out. Supergirl came right after as she told the father that his son is his best accomplishment and he told them where Alex is held. Alex is slowly drowning as Kara came in with Maggie at the right time and Kara smashed the glass and Alex come rolling out in water. Maggie caresses her and kissed her head while Alex is clutching Kara’s hand. This is the scene I always wanted the trio.


Sanvers I love yous Maggie: I love you Alex Danvers Alex: I love you Maggie Sawyer

At the med bay, Alex is recovering and Maggie was terrified but also amazed at Alex’s navy seal action in the tank. Alex said she wanted to experience all those first with Maggie then the big moment is here! Alex said she loves Maggie and Maggie says she loves Alex. We got our I love yous! That moment was perfect, these two always have insanely great chemistry. Back in the DEO, Jonn is ready to brainwash Rick but then Alex punch Rick in the face Maggie looks turned on and I be too. Maggie and Kara appreciate each other and hug it out.

But sadly on Lena’s side, Lena is working with Rhea oh no. Next week is going to be Rhea action packed and Mon El is going to be back I am less excited.

TV Shows

Supergirl 2×15 Exodus

Welcome back to another recap of Supergirl sorry for a bit of hiatus last week I just felt that Supergirl haven’t been the show I used to love before but this episode I can officially say it is back!! 🙂 ed736446b607a8fe69df904b4eac623c

Let’s get a recap, shall we? Last week it was the Valentine Day episode and we saw the awesome magician  Mxy and we saw Jeremiah is back but sadly that ended up with a bad betrayal and showcasing Chyler Leigh terrific acting skills. We also had the Danvers sisters biggest fight ever and then we get the scene of Mon El disrespecting Kara again, he didn’t regard his wishes and he doesn’t support her. Lastly, Jeremiah stole the whole list of all the aliens in National City.

In this episode, we open with a happy family singing along to Bruno Mars 24K gold and in the outside, they look like a perfect cute family but soon we find out they are aliens. The cops captured them and then the awesome little girl whacks the girl and went off sprinting, sadly she fell and the bad Cadmus guys caught her. This scene hits me so much, Supergirl has this really amazing effect how they can tie real events into the show. Aliens are not that different from human and this opening scene shows us this. We wouldn’t even know they are aliens they seem like just a perfect little family here. Then we go back to the DEO how Jonn told everyone in the DEO Jeremiah is to be arrested on the spot. Alex is speechless.

Then scene 2 we are at the alien bar SANVERS!!! *squeals* they are playing pool and Maggie won which is a miracle she never does against Alex. Alex is distracted by her dad and Maggie supports her by saying they will find her. Winn and Lyra are being a very cute lovely couple and OMG we saw James! I miss him, to be honest. Suddenly, gunshots are being heard and the guys are capturing the aliens. We get a sequence of badass Alex and Maggie fighting they are such badass girlfriends I love seeing them on the screen. Even Lyra is such an amazing fighter! Sadly Lyra got captured but no worries Alex is going to save her! When Alex went after the guys she got caught in the gun point too but James saves her. Poor Lyra is dragged away kicking and screaming.

On the other side, Kara wants to write an article warning the aliens in National City but Snapper doesn’t let her because she doesn’t have credible sources. I understand that because I’m a journalist and sources are very very important. Then back to DEO, Winn is terrified for Lyra and accuse Alex’s dad that set off Alex. She went into the interrogation room and beats the shit out of the Cadmus guy until Jonn pulls her off and tells her to chill out. Back at Catco, Kara sets up an interview for Snapper and Supergirl but he doesn’t write the article because Supergirl is not being honest with him.

Then at Alex’s apartment, Jeremiah came and told her Lillian will kill the aliens and ask for Alex’s help. When Alex turns around, it was revealed it was Jonn all along!!! Damn that stings that betrayal, she tells Kara to come to her apartment but sadly Kara also tells Alex to sit out of this mission. But Maggie the ever sweet supporting girlfriend she agrees to help Alex as her “ride or die” I love them so much.


Sanvers the most beautiful ship ever 🙂

Alex and Maggie went after the Cadmus people and save the aliens finally, Alex got Cadmus location and they shared a sweet longingly kiss. Finally we have some good lightning!

Then we go back at Catco, Kara sees Lena welcome the return of Lena Luthor!! 🙂 Lena tells Kara to be a citizen journalist and blog about the alien list. I am so glad to see Lena Luthor back, Lena helps Kara by finding the Cadmus location and her mom finds someone to throw her off the balcony finally we have a bridal style from Kara holding Lena.

Alex danvers
Alex looks very hot holding her favorite gun 🙂

Meanwhile, Alex goes solo to Cadmus and sees her dad. Jeremiah explains to Alex that he plans to send the aliens back home. Alex always the voice of reason says something that struck to everyone hearts “You are going to forcefully deport them?” This relates to our political issues right now, especially the immigrant rule. She threatens Lillian to extract the launch and Lillian thought she was bluffing. Lilian, you never mess with Alex because she holds the upper hand. Smart Alex planted a few bombs around the facility she press the button and the whole place will go Kaboom! Still, Alex press the button and the whole Cadmus lit up with flames. Alex runs towards the ship while Jeremiah finally came to the good side helping Alex. Alex goes to the ship and tries to stop it from the inside but everything is complicated on the inside.


Kara alex
Danvers sisters they are the heart and soul of the show ❤ Kara and Alex would die for each other they are stronger together.

Winn is trying to help them but he is getting confused too and finally, Supergirl is here!! This scene right here is what I love about Supergirl. Supergirl is trying to push the spaceship back to the base but the cannons are launching towards her, and she got blast a few times but finally she got to Alex. She tried pushing it but its barely moving, she shakes her head and looks at Alex. She doesn’t know if she can do it. Then the moment Alex puts her hand on the glass Kara’s attention is there right at Alex’s hand.

Alex. Her sister. Her protector. Her whole world.

Alex is the one who stood by her when she came to this Earth, she helped her fit in and be normal. She saved her with her pod when she lifts Fort Ross to space, she told her she believes in Kara when Kara was feeling lost. Alex took care of her when she lost her powers. She looks at Alex and she places her hand on Alex’s, the moment the music Harnessing Anger from the Red Tornado started playing I was crying so bad I had a whole box of tissues in front of me. Kara’s face showed all different kind of emotions; nervousness, desperation, longingly. She needs to save Alex, she can’t lose another part of her world again. Then that raw, powerful and strong scream breaks my heart. That scream is Kara’s desperation and anger she needs to succeed that in there is her sister, her family. Melissa’s acting in this scene is just amazing she displays Kara’s fear so well. Chyler Leigh acting is such a masterpiece, while Kara displays fear she displays strength and proud. Alex who never wanted a sister and she despises Kara when she first came here, she was scared too when she got on the

Then that raw, powerful and strong scream breaks my heart. That scream is Kara’s desperation and anger she needs to succeed that in there is her sister, her family. Melissa’s acting in this scene is just amazing she displays Kara’s fear so well. Chyler Leigh acting is such a masterpiece, while Kara displays fear she displays strength and proud. Alex who never wanted a sister and she despises Kara when she first came here, she was scared too when she got on the spaceship. But she is a big sister, she needs to be strong for Kara so she helps Kara to draw the strength she needs in her. This right here is the heart of soul of Supergirl the Danvers sisters, that’s what drew me to Supergirl in Season 1 the sister bond is strong and unbreakable. Kara saves the spaceship and Alex got her job back. Then in the last scene, we saw the parents of Daxam!! Exodus is a magnificent episode which showcases girl power and the return of the beautiful Danvers sisters!

TV Shows

Supergirl 2×08 Medusa

Let's take a moment to admire the beauty who is our beloved Supergirl-- Kara Danvers :)
Let’s take a moment to admire the beauty who is our beloved Supergirl– Kara Danvers 🙂

WELCOME TO THE FOUR DAY CROSSOVER READERS!! Who is as hyped as I am? We get to see our beloved superheroine Supergirl helping out Flash, Green Arrow, The Atom, White Canary, Heatwave, Speedy, Spartan, Vibe, Vixen and Citizen Steel. But let’s start with my favorite show Supergirl!

Previously on Supergirl, Alex came out as gay and got her poor little heartbroken by Maggie who said she is fresh out the boat and needs to explore (virtual hugs for Alex) The Maggie shows up at Kara’s apartment and told her she doesn’t want to live in a world without her (Maggie that sounds like a vow for a friend lol) Then Kara got caught by Lilian Luthor who is the leader of Cadmus who also kidnapped Mon-El. She is then saved by JEREMIAH DANVERS! HOLY CRAP HE IS ALIVE!! Then as for Jonn (sorry for wrong spelling), he figured out he is having White Martian blood and he locks up Miss Martian. We then found out the real Henshaw is Cyborg Superman and he went crazy and ran off. Last we saw Cyborg Superman going to Fortress of Solitude to access Project Medusa. So now we all caught up let’s begin, shall we?

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!! It is a Danvers thanksgiving and last year’s thanksgiving didn’t go so well so we hope this year is going to be awesome because Alex is coming out to her mom. Kara is using her heat vision to heat up that delicious turkey (Kara I wish I have your powers).  Alex is trying to use liquor courage to tell her mom but Kara stopped her before she can take another sip and put the beer in the freezer. Mon-El came in bearing gifts but that gift is the stuffing from his mattress (how cute lol) when Alex tried to get the words out of her mouth a portal appeared on top of the dinner table. (BARRY WRONG TIMING) Kara is convinced she can get the information of Cadmus out of Lena but she doesn’t do sneaky and Lena decided to stay quiet.

At the alien bar, Mon-El is having a drink with a girl and Cyborg Superman is there, he is extra sneaky placing a device underneath the table while Mon-El followed him, luckily he did because that was a poisonous gas to kill aliens. The aliens are all dead in the bar and Mon-El got beat up quite badly, he is locked up back at the DEO. While at L Corp, Lena is having an interesting chat with her mother. Lilian told her she loves her and she knows it isn’t true because all her love is reserved to Lex. (Poor Lena) At DEO, the Supergirl team is figuring out what kind of gas killed the aliens then Kara being her smart self realize why Cyborg Superman wants her blood to unleash Project Medusa so she blast off to the Fortress.

What she found made her disappointed, her father created the virus so they can protect his family but Kara is sad because it means the virus kill other aliens while she is immune. Alex requested her mom to come in and help with the science because she is an expert and welcome back Eliza! Eliza knows something is up with Alex because a mother always knows. Alex told her she is gay and Eliza made us all cry by accepting Alex for being who she is, Alex you are exceptional. (Excuse me while I cry externally why can’t I have a mom like that?)

Kara is looking out to the beautiful city of National City and she is wondering is this her legacy death and destruction? Jonn came to remind her her parents legacy is her and Jonn noticed he is turning into something he hates. What Supergirl does right is hit us in the heart, we have Alex coming out and her mom being accepting and we have Kara who is a superhero but she is also vulnerable because she believes her parents are perfect but she found out her parents would rather kill others.

At L Corp, Cyborg Superman walks inside like a badass and the metal detector go crazy and the security guard pulls his gun out but he is no match. Supergirl saves the day and the security guard but she got slammed at the L logo, Lena chose the worst timing to come out to check out what is happening. Cyborg picked up the huge heavy bricks and threw it to Lena but luckily Supergirl blocked it. This show is so gay, all the time I’m like YES Kara save your girlfriend! But Cyborg got Supergirl pinned on the floor as Maggie and her SWAT team came in opening fire. (Maggie where is your bulletproof vest you really need one) Another portal opened up but no one came out but Supergirl uses this distraction and attacked Cyborg but he got angry and use his laser to gaze Maggie’s  shoulder, Kara was nervous her sister’s somewhat girlfriend has been hit. Her face shows all the expression, nervousness, angry and terrified she ran to check on Maggie but she told her to go after Cyborg.

Supergirl and Lena has a chat and wow their chemistry is just explosive, Lena believes Supergirl is accusing her mother and she made her leave. Meanwhile, in the med bay of DEO, Alex is stitching up Maggie and she told her she told her mom and she knows being gay is for herself. Lena decided to double team her mother and replace the deadly virus with just anything. Then, Hankshaw and Jonn is having a fight. Lena calls the cops and YAY they arrest her mother. Kara and Mon-El kissed!


Sanvers is such a beautiful storyline both actress are amazing.
Sanvers is such a beautiful storyline both actress are amazing.

Lastly, Alex is staying at home with her pajamas as the door bell rang and Maggie is at the door looking like a cute puppy holding pizza. Alex invited her in and Maggie is clearly nervous and shaking wondering how she would get these words out of her mouth. Maggie started to tell Alex how she is scared and after getting shot today she realizes life is short and she should kiss the girls she wants to kiss. (Nice motto Maggie!) When Maggie went for the kiss Alex was shocked but her eyes show admiration and hope, Alex cleared for a second and said are you saying you like me? And Maggie showed her million dollar smile and nodded as Alex goes in for the second kiss cupping her face. I really love how Supergirl manages Alex storyline this season, a few days ago I saw how on Twitter how this girl helped a young girl who is newly gay get comics and be comfortable with herself. This is how same sex relationships and coming out stories help readers in real life, coming out is a terrifying experience I recently experienced it and the process is terrifying but Alex and Maggie gave me courage. Alex Danvers is a strong character, she can hold on her own while Supergirl is the main character. I believe Alex is the hero for Supergirl, she is always there for her and is her anchor but adding her sexuality is just giving her another great example to having a strong amazing role model. 2016 have been a crazy year for queer audience but Wayhaught and now Sanvers totally saved it.

At the end of the episode BARRY, the flash and Cisco finally came through the portal. I can’t wait to see Supergirl in the crossover kicking butt!

TV Shows

Supergirl 2×06

Kara and Alex the best sister relationship on tv!
Kara and Alex the best sister relationship on tv!

Welcome readers to Supergirl!! I been watching Supergirl since the pilot and I have to admit when it aired on CBS I wasn’t that intrigued but I still love it because there is just too many guy superheroes its time for the ladies to have a chance too! When Supergirl came to CW, this show improved a lot and I can definitely see the improvement. But this particular episode had me in tears because of a story that hits close to home.

One thing I really love about Supergirl is the tight sisterly bond of Alex and Kara. I’m a only child so I always love seeing sisterly relationships on television. Since the tragic of Clexa on The 100, I have lost complete faith on CW to portray beautiful LGBT relationships but Supergirl did an amazing job this episode. In this episode, Supergirl faces an alien called the parasite. He can observe other aliens powers and cause himself to grow stronger and Alex is dealing with her new reality. Last episode, she met Maggie Sawyer and she was caught completely off guard. Let’s go delve into the history of Maggie Sawyer shall we?

Maggie Sawyer is Batwoman Kate Kane’s ex, Batwoman was a beautiful comic we have the female superhero version of Batman but her story is much more complicated. Maggie is a lesbian and she is a NCPD cop. Maggie helped Alex realized maybe she wasn’t that straight and my heart was soaring when Supergirl announced there will be a gay character at first I thought it be Kara but I don’t think they would go there. In this episode, Alex came out to Kara and the way she came out was beautiful. Alex’s coming out was so raw and honest because we all been there. She stumbled on her words and just said she has feelings for Maggie. I just came out to my sister a few days ago and I was exactly like Alex, I stumbled on my words and just said I have feelings towards girls and my sister was silent at first. Then she told me she be there for me. I wish everyone who is also coming out can have a sister as supportive as Kara, Kara is an alien so sometimes she doesn’t understand the emotions that well and the way how she is patient with Alex is just so beautiful. Kara listens to her and she acknowledges how it’s always been her and there is no space for Alex, she loves Alex so much and she would die protecting her. Alex explained how she tried to suppress it and now all the feelings are rushing back to her.  I love their bond so much it’s the most beautiful bond on the show. Alex’s coming out represent a lot of us because she doesn’t know what she is feeling and she can’t explain it like all of us, we are all also trying to figure it out too so it can be hard to explain it to others.

After everything what sucks is when Alex has the power to come out and kiss Maggie, Maggie rejected her saying she be there as a friend and as much as I understand why it doesn’t make the hurt any less. Alex is a perfectionist, she decided to act on her feelings because of Maggie and she no longer tries to suppress it because she wants to be free. Maggie just got broken up with her ex and she is vulnerable she doesn’t want Alex to be a rebound, I’m glad this happens because we can finally have a slowburn relationship we can see both of them out of their relationship.

Next week is going to be insane Martian Manhunter has the wrong blood type and he is going to be acting crazy for a bit and Lena and Kara! Is it me or is Lena giving Kara heart eyes? I want Supergirl to glare at Maggie! But I’m more excited for the crossover!

TV Shows

Dead of Summer 1×09

The Summer's hit show located in Camp Stillwater.
The Summer’s hit show located in Camp Stillwater.

When I saw the trailer for Dead of Summer last year I was beyond excited, it was a Summer show and a damn good one! I couldn’t wait for it to start and I started to feel a smile appearing on my face when I saw the posters whenever I go. I will do a full review of Dead of Summer after the finale but now I will just talk about the explosive episode 9 of Dead of Summer.

“I just want to be free.”  

said by Amy Hughes

Amy wasn’t just free she was unleashing her true nature. This episode was mindblowing in my perspective it was the best episode. We had action, drama, tears and a huge reveal! Before we get to all the good parts we shall start from the beginning. Jessie, Alex, and Garrett finally got Amy aka the Demon into the creepy cabin of Holyoke. Holyoke told Jessie he needs to get the demon out of Amy to save her soul, so they began to try to torture her. Sadly, Holyoke wasn’t strong enough when he went to call the light spirits they turned on him and made the windows bloody and Holyoke was bleeding from his eyes then dissolved into a puddle of blood. While in camp, Deb, Drew and Blair are getting the kids to leave camp but on the way the bus hit something and blood covered the whole entire bus. As the driver gets out of the car to see what happen, he was killed in front of Deb. The letter Let Me Out was written in blood while the kids are screaming and losing their minds. Therapy will be needed after this terrible bus ride. Deb decided to go take a risk and go outside despite Drew and Blair protests, she told them to start the car and don’t look back so Drew took the bus and tried to get the engine starting. Deb is wandering through the forest as her creepy boyfriend found her and started to choke the life out of her.

In this episode, we got a flashback of cute miniature Amy where she is watching tv with her parents and brother. A little rodent is crawling on her mom’s feet and she screams while her brother was being a mean person and told her the rodent is hers. Later that rodent is found dead in the kitchen sink, Amy’s brother decided to lock her in the garage. The next morning, she was found by a firefighter and been told her parents and brother died. She has been bouncing between foster homes since then.

Back to the cabin, Jessie decided to spray the Camp Stillwater purified water on Amy as she screams in pain and the demon snuffed out Amy’s weakness she told her that her parents don’t want her and it hurts so bad. I got teary there and felt heartache for Amy, Garrett decides to come closer to comfort Amy and she bit a chunk of his ear. Ouch! Then she proceeds to seduce Alex speaking in Russian to tell him to come closer, Garrett decides to read the spell and to the demon and Jessie gets knocked out. As Jessie wakes up, she found Garrett hung to the ceiling as she decides to sacrifice herself and let the demon take over her. As my heart was giddy realizing Jessie and Amy were going to kiss, it was opposite the demon is entering her mouth eww! The demon took over her and Alex dumps Jessie in the purified water, Amy wakes up and went to find Jessie giving her CPR. Jessie is alive YES!

In the bus, the blood disappears and Drew got the bus going and BYE CAMP STILLWATER! Deb saw the form of her dead boyfriend vanished and she can finally breathe. We then get a flashback of Amy and Deb, Deb telling her the camp is filled and couldn’t add one more person but Amy love it here. Following that flashback, we see the Amy backstory from the pilot but adding a little something extra. We see Amy’s best friend is accepted into the camp so Amy dragged her to that party, she called the cops and when her friend was about to fall off she caught her hand but she didn’t pull her back up. Amy told her friend the camp could only afford one person and it is going to be her! Then she let go and SPLAT! There goes Amy’s best friend. But on the stairwell, Amy’s best friend’s friend was looking and she knew Amy was trouble.


Is it me? Or Amy still look very attractive holding an axe?
Is it me? Or Amy still look very attractive holding an ax?

The friend went into Deb’s room looking for Amy but who is also looking for Deb? Amy. Amy walks in holding an ax looking very attractive then she raises her axe and slams it into the friend. Deb sprints and hides waiting for the proper time to attack. I love this twist so much, Elizabeth Lail delivers such an amazing performance. We never suspect Amy could be the killer, we would always think the final girl is the victim but in Dead of Summer, the final girl is the killer. She doesn’t want to be saved, she wants to be free and she was very free. Amy pulled the axe out of the body then proceed to find Deb saying how the demon found her and she likes being with it, she called back the demon from Jessie. Deb was smart, she found a knife and stabbed it into Amy’s back. Amy turned around and pulled the knife out with ease and walking towards Deb, as Deb knocked down the box she saw the mask. Why does Deb have one? We may not get the answer because Amy dropped the ax down on Deb killing her then making sure she is dead delivers it five more times. As she finished, we get the wide shot of the two bodies on the floor and a large puddle of blood. Amy doesn’t need the knife, she has the ax. Amy went to the bathroom and grabbed the Camp Stillwater shirt and wipe the blood off her face, Jessie is calling for Amy and Amy turns quickly and smiles saying she is coming while blood is all over her face and clearly she is enjoying it.

Wow, what a twist! This twist is better then Scream, Scream’s killer was always the boyfriend but in Dead of Summer who would have known it be innocent not so pure Amy? Next episode is the season finale, will Amy just walk out of there pretending to be the victim and say how Deb attacked her? Or will she grab her favorite axe and go mass murder her so called friends? Next episode will be insane and I can’t wait!