Book Reviews

The Cruel Prince Book Review


    “I am going to keep on defying you. I am going to shame you with my defiance. You remind me that I am a mere mortal and you are a prince of Faerie. Well, let me remind you that means you have much to lose and I have nothing. You may win in the end, you may ensorcell me and hurt me and humiliate me, but I will make sure you lose everything I can take from you on the way down. I promise you this is the least of what I can do.”                                                                                                     Jude Duarte to Prince Cardan 

                 The Cruel Prince is the first installment of In the Folk of Air by Holly Black, she creates a magnificent world of Fae who believes they are superior to mere mortals. Unfortunately for Jude Duarte, she suffers that cruelty when her parents were murdered in front of her eyes and her two sisters were stolen away to live in the treacherous High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, Jude wants to fit in but the fae despises humans. 

          The quote above is what made me love Jude, she is a fierce heroine. She is a strong character that made me love her immensely, she fights for her family especially her sisters because that is all she has left. But she also protects those who torment her, what I love the most of her is her fighting spirit. Jude and her twin sister Taryn is the only human out of the family, Vivienne is a fey. Growing up human in a fae world is hard especially when the fae hates her, they feel like she doesn’t belong here and bullies her daily. She doesn’t give in as easily her twin Taryn, she fights for her freedom and respect. From the beginning, all she wants is to be a knight but her stepfather Madoc doesn’t let her. The first three-quarters of the story describe Jude’s struggle to fit into the fae world, how she progresses from a nobody to learning skills to help herself survive. She learns how to be a spy and how to play the game of politics. Watching her grow throughout the book is such a joy for me, my anger was bubbling when the fae royals went to bully Jude. When Jude stood up for herself and said that quote to Prince Cardan I was clapping. 

        The side characters are one of the best development of Holly Black’s writing, she does a good job giving each of the side characters development and screentime. Vivienne, Jude elder sister is one of my favorite side characters. Vivienne is the elder sister and half fey, she hates Madoc because he murdered her parents and took her here to a place she doesn’t feel like she belongs. In the mortal world, she has a girlfriend named Heather. They are in love but Vivienne hides the secret that she is fey to her, their relationship is beautiful to watch it unfold. Readers don’t get to see much of Heather but from what I saw, she is smitten to Vivienne as she is to her. Vivienne is a great older sister, she has much sass but when Jude needs her she is always there. I have mixed feelings about Taryn, she has some strong moments but mostly she is a character with not too much developments. 

          Many people say a person has many layers and Prince Cardan is one of them. Prince Cardan is a complex person, he may seem to be the villain when the story begins. He is cruel and always support the cruel actions his friends are performing, but under the many layers of that cruelty, he is a victim of abuse from his own brother. His brother Balekin abuses him and uses words to hurt him, all his brother wants is power and to be king. He has a softer side but he rarely shows it. This antihero is intriguing I can’t wait to read about him next. 

         The parts that intrigued me the most is Jude’s court scenes, every detailed conversation, and the coup scene is well written. Every word is written off the book and transformed into action scenes in the reader’s head. The scene is mapped perfectly in front of our eyes and we can see the scene and feel the blood splatter across our faces. The Cruel King is such a heart-pounding, intense book I ever read and I can’t wait to read The Wicked King. 



Vacation Pics + Thoughts

One week in Disney and Universal! Part 1

 Greetings new viewers and old viewers! How is everyone’s 2018 going? I have been in Florida’s Disney and Universal for a week with my mom but now I’m back and let me share with you the experience!


  1. Backpack (You will buy a lot of things there no matter how neutral you are, trust me my mom resisted but she ended up buying a lot.) 
  2. Water (You be at the park for almost the whole day and if you want to buy water there, it will be three dollars please.) 
  3. Portable phone charger (Again you will be there all day, you wouldn’t want to run out of battery and miss taking all those beautiful pictures.) 
  4.  Small First Aid Kit (No matter how careful you are, be safe!) 

  Umbrella (OMG! You need one, Florida is known for raining a lot and it rained twice when I was there)


        It was an early 7 am flight, then after 5 hours and watching Solo on the plane we landed in Florida, Orlando. Secondly, we went to check in to our small hotel. We rest a while then went to Red Lobster for dinner, it was a long walk but totally worth it. Day 2, we waited for the bus to take us to Universal it was still dark. When we arrived, the park was empty because it was very early. 

      A fact I learned was the Universal residents gets to go in first, then when it was time we immediately went to the Minions ride. The Minions ride was a blast, you are being put into a room and the minions use the shrink ray to make you into minions. Agnes, Edith, and Margo are assigned the task to train you. It’s a different feeling going to Universal very early, you get to have all the fun before people come filling in and you need to wait in line. 

      As we were walking we noticed many Halloween themes going on, it was close to Halloween so they have horror nights. Then my mom stopped at the place where I dread the most, the Mummy ride. Last time I was here I freaked out and didn’t want to go but this time we went to the ride. Before you go on this ride empty everything out because this ride is 360, the rollercoaster gives a 360 feeling. It will give you a real thrill, it rocks you sideway then upside down I almost felt dizzy. 

      In the afternoon we arrived at the Harry Potter section, the first time I came here I was very amazed. I saw the Harry Poter movies when I was younger and I still can’t believe the books now transform into a theme park. Last year when I went there wasn’t the iconic train but this time we went into platform 9 3/4, you get to experience passing through the wall too! The train comes fast so you won’t need to wait too long. Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermoine don’t make an appearance but you can hear them and while you are on the train you can take a glimpse of everything in the movie then a few seconds later you arrived in Hogwarts. 

       HOGWARTS!!! What a wonder! Once you walk inside, you immediately see the dragon at Diagon Alley. This is an enormous dragon and surprise! It breathes fire so you can see many people waiting on the side. They are waiting for the countdown for the dragon to breathe fire again. To know when the dragon is going to breathe fire it will make a growl and then sparks will fly. This is a sign that the dragon will breathe fire in a few seconds. The fire feels very hot, it feels like its close to your face but its far away. As you wander everywhere, you see many familiar shops from the movies. When we went further inside, we saw butterbeer! I got one and it tastes sweet and amazing. 

     Then we went to ride Jurassic Park the water one, the thrill of rushing down made it heart pounding. We then took a break for lunch, the food there is delicious I never had it. Later we went to a few shops, I saw Thor’s hammer but I never saw Captain America but I did saw Doctor Doom. We then proceed to go to Simpsons land!

     This part of Universal I never went to because we were always in a rush so it’s very refreshing to have time to explore the park. Simpsons is a breath of fresh air, as a big fan since I was younger it’s exciting to see Moe’s. Before we left the park, I couldn’t resist buying a huge donut at Simpsons and it tastes sweet and addicting. No wonder so many people in Springfield loves it! 

UNIVERSAL! My favorite place in Orlando.

Minions mayhem where you get transformed into a minion.
Early Morning Universal!
The scariest ride I ever been!
Have you seen her?
Ready to take off!
Delicious food and the frosty is free!
Can I have some?
Always have a donut before work!