TV Shows

Supergirl 2×19 ALEX

YESS!! IT is Monday again! And all you readers know what day it is! Its Supergirl day! I seriously haven’t been excited for an episode of a tv show in a long time. But this episode got me insanely excited because as you all know from the title its about Alex and I love Alex.

First off let’s start off by saying how awesome it is to have an episode titled Alex? This episode had me crying, super nervous at some times and just feels all over. We start off the scene of Maggie being a negotiator trying to tell the criminal to let the people they captured go. Her sentence always starts with the words. YOU CHOOSE, YOU CHOOSE. For 17 hours she has been doing that, then people started yelling “It’s a bird its a plane!” It’s SUPERGIRL! Then Supergirl flew in breaking into the ceiling and busting those criminals out. Maggie is looking hella pissed because she just spent 17 hrs trying to talk to the criminals, then Kara with her sunny self just said I can’t wait to have dinner with you!


At the dinner scene, Alex burns the food she is cooking so the alarm keeps on beeping every two seconds (that is kinda like me) Kara brings pizza. Then we see Kara and Maggie at odds. But both of them has some good points, why need cops when Supergirl is here she has godlike powers. But Kara only punches her ways out of problems while Maggie talks it down. Kara gets mad and leaves while Alex goes after her trying to talk to her. But when Alex goes into the elevator, there is a shady guy and then the door closes we all knows what happens Alex gets kidnap.

While after the nice dinner scene of the Danvers, we see Lena and Rhea talking. NOO!!! LENA SHE IS BAD! But all I’m doing is yelling at the screen since Lena can’t hear me sadly. Rhea and Lena are at lunch having some fancy wine as Rhea talks about her proposal about the transmitter. Lena talks about how her mother kidnapped her, drug her and frame her as Rhea is talking about her sweet boy who met a terrible woman. *Ahem if Lena knows that terrible woman she is talking about is Kara she won’t be sitting*

At CatCo, Kara is looking at her articles when Maggie came up to her asking about Alex and both of them notice something is wrong until Alex name shows up on Kara cell. But that is not Alex, it’s that damn kidnapper! The mysterious kidnap demands them to free his father or he will kill Alex and the bonus is he knows Kara Danvers is Supergirl. Crap.

Back in the DEO, all of them is hatching up a plan to save Alex. Maggie is very down and depressed while Kara is slowly spiraling out of control. This is her sister, her everything, her best friend and the only person she cares in the universe. While Maggie, this is her girlfriend, her love of her life, the first person that understands her the most. Soon, they all decided to give the father a visit.

Our amazing Alex wakes up in a tank, I would be scared shitless but Alex is like Shaw in Person of Interest so damn badass. Alex remember who kidnaps her and proceed to threaten them that they won’t get away with this then started banging on the glass.

The meeting with the father did not go well, Jonn and Maggie started interrogating him but he kept on denying knowing anything about Alex. Then Kara gets mad and slams her fist on the metal table, the metal table took a lot of damage but Kara’s fist is flawless. Kara’s anger got the best out of her as Maggie tells her to calm down. Winn being the smart IT guy he is he found out the trace of the kidnapper and it is in Maldvide, time to take a trip down memory lane. It turns out that kidnapper is Rick, the guy Alex was talking to when they went to the beach. He saw everything that Kara can do and he planned out this whole thing for a year. WHAT A CREEP!

Kara is livid as she tried to try her laser eyes on him, but she remembered her sister is at stake she can’t risk it. Winn got a trace where Alex is but sadly its a decoy,  and the meter dropped all the way to 4 minutes. The water starts to fill in the tank and Alex is trying her best to block it out. Time is running out.

C-zUEWCXkAEHZaBKara tells him to turn on the camera so they can talk to Alex, and damn Chyler Leigh is so good at this scene she nails every scene. Alex keeps on telling Kara she can’t be blackmailed that Supergirl is better than her. But that’s not true, Kara would do anything for Alex she would sacrifice herself for her. She is her family. Then Alex asked for time alone for Maggie and that is when the waterworks is running down my face. Alex started to say things if she couldn’t make it but Maggie stopped her and said she wants to have so many firsts with her and even a dog and vacation. Gosh, I was glad Floriana was sick that day because her voice and emotion make the scene more powerful. She tells Alex she is going to come get her and tells her to promise to hold on. Before Alex could reply the screen blacked out.

Maggie is livid that Kara went in without listening to her and she yells I’m her girlfriend! While Kara yells I’m her sister! And she replies do you think that trumps me? Maggie replied with a broken I have as much to lose as you. That’s true, Maggie only has Alex. All the other people that were with her left her heartbroken but Alex makes her strong. She is all she has. Kara is leaning on the rails trying to listen really hard to Alex’s heartbeat but she can’t hear it and that makes her feel terrible because she caused that. Lena Luthor called to ask for her advice but Kara is only nervous about her sister.

supergirl 2x19

Time is running out as the water started to fill up the tank and Alex took off her pants and wraps it around her fist hitting the glass tank as hard as she could. Maggie decided to let the father go, she goes to the jail cell and she places those cool devices to mess with the security camera and breaks the father out. Supergirl came right after as she told the father that his son is his best accomplishment and he told them where Alex is held. Alex is slowly drowning as Kara came in with Maggie at the right time and Kara smashed the glass and Alex come rolling out in water. Maggie caresses her and kissed her head while Alex is clutching Kara’s hand. This is the scene I always wanted the trio.


Sanvers I love yous Maggie: I love you Alex Danvers Alex: I love you Maggie Sawyer

At the med bay, Alex is recovering and Maggie was terrified but also amazed at Alex’s navy seal action in the tank. Alex said she wanted to experience all those first with Maggie then the big moment is here! Alex said she loves Maggie and Maggie says she loves Alex. We got our I love yous! That moment was perfect, these two always have insanely great chemistry. Back in the DEO, Jonn is ready to brainwash Rick but then Alex punch Rick in the face Maggie looks turned on and I be too. Maggie and Kara appreciate each other and hug it out.

But sadly on Lena’s side, Lena is working with Rhea oh no. Next week is going to be Rhea action packed and Mon El is going to be back I am less excited.

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